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We’ve found the Cure!

We’re all here in the Bahamas, safe and sound!  We’ve gotten acclimated to the area, introduced ourselves to many of the locals, and started preparing for ministry.  We’ve only been here two days and it has already been a jam-packed week!


Upon my first full day here in Nassau, I attended the youth group meeting of the church we are working with, Global Village Methodist Church.  One of the girls leading worship that night closed with a short challenge to the group.  She compared knowing the redeeming love of Christ to that of knowing a cure for cancer…


Imagine that one day, after hundreds of years of study and searching, you finally found a flawless cure for cancer.  Imagine how excited you would be.  Imagine how excited your friends and family would be to hear the news.  Better yet, imagine how thrilled and overjoyed those with cancer would be upon hearing your discovery.  It would make the evening news, the Sunday paper, it would go viral on the internet, and there would certainly be thousands of tweets and facebook statuses devoted to the story.


Now, fortunately, most of us are not plagued by the horrors of having cancer.  But nevertheless, we all have the same fatal disease known as sin and death.  And we are all desperately in need of a cure.  And the crazy thing about it is… you and I know of a cure!  But not just one of many; we know THE cure.  The one and only cure.  His name is Jesus.  And He is the only way to be free from sin and death and be reunited in relationship with the Almighty God.


So the question is, how come we don’t get more excited about our knowledge of the “Cure”?  Myself included!  We get excited about a lot of things, many of which are truly a big deal or really great news.  But we have the best news ever to be told!  And I think it’s time we start getting as excited about this Good News as we would if we found a cure for cancer.


This concept challenged me greatly.  I’m making it a goal of mine this week here in Nassau, as well as the rest of my life, to get excited about sharing the Good News of the redeeming love of Christ.  And I hope you’ll join me in getting excited about this too.  We know the “Cure!”  Let’s start living like we know it!


Stay tuned for more stories about how the Lord is moving amongst the rest of the team now that ministry is underway for the week.  Please keep us and the community of Nassau in your prayers!